In 390 BC, the first concept of "police" appeared in China. Men or women were called "monitors" or "mayors", responsible for enforcing laws. Each looked after a "prefecture" or jurisdiction and reported to the governors, who in turn responded to the emperor.

The fire hose was invented in 100 BC. In 24 BC the first fire fighting service appears. A public fire department distributed among seven fire stations. 600 slaves patrolled the streets of Rome and fought fires.

425 BC - Primary education system (reading, writing, arithmetic and moral education),
420 BC - Higher education, more focused fields of study (mathematics, astronomy, harmonics and dialectics),
385 BC - Foundation of the first academy, Plato's School of Philosophy (an institution composed of professors and researchers from higher education institutes),
334 BC - Peripatetic School of Philosophy (founded by Aristotle),
320 BC - High school (grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy),

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