ADMINISTRATIVE SYSTEM: Socialism, Liberalism, Communism, Oligarchy, Autocracy, Senate (753 BC), Legislative Assembly (753 BC), State Religion (712 BC), Forum (700 BC), Direct Democracy (594 BC), Representative Government (510 AC), Consulate (509 BC), Republic (509 BC), Democracy (508 BC), Consulate (505 BC), Dictatorship (501 BC), Federation (500 BC), Aristocratic Republic.

When Rome was founded, a Senate and a Healing Assembly were created. The first republic in the world was established in the same city. In 712 BC, Numaa Pompilius created the Pontifex Maximus office.

RESIDENCES: Rectangular houses, made with bricks, straight slab for capturing rainwater and internal sewage system.

ARCHITECTURE: Truss roof (550 BC), spiral staircase (480 BC).

INFRASTRUCTURE: To meet the great demand for ships, docks are invented and ports are modernized. The first lane outside an urban center is paved. In 700 BC, the first aqueducts appeared in Hampi (India). The first wooden vehicle bridge is built over a river in 642 BC, the Sublício Bridge.

BASIC SERVICES: The first known Greek medical school was opened in Cnidus, in 700 BC. A training facility for competitors in public games called "Gymnasium" (686 BC) was erected. In 640 BC, the first library was founded. Developed the first judicial system in the world, at Corpus Juris Civilis (529 BC). In 508 BC the physical and intellectual military academy was opened, a physical education that mirrored the ideals of the military, strength, resistance and preparation for war.

INDUSTRY: The screw, the last of the simple machines to be invented, first appeared in Mesopotamia during the neo-Assyrian period 911 BC. The current pump appears at 700 BC and the crane at 550 BC.

DEFENSE: Military engineering is developed, responsible for innovation in the construction of equipment, fortifications, camps and roads. In 884 the siege tower, a type of giant war tank, was invented.

LEISURE: The First Olympics is held in 776 BC. In 648 BC the first horse race is held. With that the racecourses appear. The theater was born in Greece in 532 BC.

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