Streets and roads become important avenues for commerce, communication and military transportation. For the first time they are divided into categories:

1) Public or Munita Road: Designed streets, with drainage systems that were part of the urban center and main highways, which were paved and connected one city to another or to a port.

2) Via Agrária or Glareata: Gravel roads that passed through private property and connected a city to a highway or interconnected two main highways.

3) Vicinal or Terrena Roads: Dirt streets that connected neighborhoods from the periphery to the city center

There have been pedestrian crossings for over 2000 years, as can be seen in the ruins of Pompeii. Blocks raised on the road allowed pedestrians to cross the street without having to step on the road itself, which was also the drainage and sewer system. The spaces between the blocks allowed horse-drawn cars to pass the road.

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